Speedtest.net Servers Went Online
Speedtest® by Ookla® is the definitive way to test the speed and performance of the user's internet connection. Every day, over ten million unique tests are actively initiated by users in the locations and at the times when their connectivity matters to them. Since their founding in 2006, an unparalleled total of more than 30 billion tests has been taken with Speedtest. Gnehc contributed servers in regions across the globe.
To run a simple speed test, head over to speedtest.net. The destination server that is used to test the user's speed and its location will be written on the right side, marked with a globe sign.
If Gnehc does not come up, tap "Change Server" and type in Gnehc.
The popup shows Gnehc servers on Speedtest.net. Gnehc servers on Speedtest.net have the maximum network capacity of 10Gbps.
We believe by putting our servers on speedtest.net helps users and ISPs determine their Internet connection quality and level up their continuous integration.
Last updated